Fran Kitchen

Bunnies, Bunnies, and More Bunnies!
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Bunnies, Bunnies, and More Bunnies!

That’s what it is like here at Operation Orphan these days. Add some opossum and 25 baby squirrels that just came in this week. Did I mention that they all need to be handfed? Yes, folks, baby season is NOT over yet! With no time to write a TBT this week, I want to repost…

Why The Parks Say “NO”
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Why The Parks Say “NO”

When it comes to parks, there are some important rules to follow. Many people don’t like to follow these rules; many times it’s because it is unclear to them why these rules exist. Or maybe they don’t even know these rules exist! Here are a couple of important rules that parks have in place to…

Smelt picture
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A Smelly Situation

Here at Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc, we have to carry a large variety of foods to care for the animals, since every species has their own diet. Today’s story illustrates the challenge of keeping these different kinds of foods around for the animals. One unusually hot summer, several years ago, we had several Green…

The Deadly Truth about Trash
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The Deadly Truth about Trash

Without thinking about it, each of us do little things each day that impact our environment and wildlife in a negative way. For example, who would ever think that something as simple as throwing away the ring that is attached to a bottle cap could cost an animal its life? One year when I was…

Introducing “Mighty Moe”!
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Introducing “Mighty Moe”!

He may be little, but he is mighty! Earlier this year we received a Screech Owl that had been hit by a car, suffering head trauma and severe damage to his left eye. He spent several days at Dr. Riggs’ Vet Clinic and once he was stable, came back with me for continued care and…

Forever In My Mind
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Forever In My Mind

Back in the early 90’s, Ron and I traveled to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to release a rehabilitated baby porcupine. On our journey to the UP, we camped at a state park near Mackinaw. The park ranger saw the Operation Orphan sign on the camper and was curious, so he came over to talk…